Doctor Strange looks like he has a secret

This Isn’t Doctor Strange

As I watched the latest entry in the Spider-Man series, it occurred to me that the Stephen Strange on screen didn’t feel like he was the Doctor Strange I’ve come to know from the rest of the MCU films. Here are the top 5 reasons that the Stephen Strange from No Way Home isn’t our Doctor Strange.

Bad Hair Day

As soon as this guy shows up, he’s got a bad wig. These Marvel films can afford, well, anything. If this guy’s hair looks weird, it’s on purpose. Maybe it’s because this impostor is just doing his best to just look the part of the Sorcerer Supreme.

Bad Facial Hair Day

There is a funny throw away moment where M.J. is rummaging around in the undercroft of the Sanctum Sanctorum and finds a goatee template kit. It plays for a quick giggle that Stephen Strange would use such a tacky device to manicure his perfect beard. But, let’s really think about that. Would he use such a thing? Our answer is a resounding “no.” This means that his doppelganger has employed the tool in an effort to fool us.

Rule Breaker

As Peter Parker pleads his case to Strange, he comes up with the idea to use the Runes of Kof-Kol. Wong suggests that this is a bad idea. Undaunted, Strange moves forward with his “bad idea.” Why is Doctor Strange so quick to break the rules? It simply isn’t in his character to do such a thing. This further proves that it isn’t necessarily our Stephen Strange.


A big part of No Way Home is that Peter is trying to save the villains that have come to plague him. Doctor Strange, however, seems quite comfortable sending these enemies back from whence they came, even if the end result is their very demise. What kind of doctor does that? No kind. Add to this the ego of Stephen Strange. He’d love being able to take part in the saving and redemption of these characters. Our Doctor Strange wouldn’t be so cavalier about sacrificing these people.

The Sorcerer Supreme

In the time Strange was felled by the Blink, Wong became the new Sorcerer Supreme. Stephen Strange, as we see him in No Way Home, is ok with this new dynamic. I put it to you that this is a ruse to keep Wong occupied so he won’t realize that the Stephen Strange he is dealing with isn’t the real one. Wouldn’t the true Doctor Strange fight for his title? This is the guy who went to the ends of the Earth and learned magic to get the use of his hands back. He was entrusted the Eye of Agamotto by the Ancient One. We’re expected to believe he would just sit back and let his position be supplanted by another? Not likely.

The Multiverse

Soon enough the new film, Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, will be out and our questions will be answered. This new Strange could be from the multiverse. He could be one of the myriad of Stranges in What If? Until then, does this theory work? Yes? No? Maybe so? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to check out these great deals on Amazon!

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