Han Solo: Force User

“The force is strong in my family. My Father has it… I have it.”
                                                                                         – Luke Skywalker
                                                                                              – Kylo Ren

Is that over the line? Maybe, maybe not. I just wanted your attention. The title already told you what this is. Reel Theories’ theory that Han Solo is force sensitive. Just because he’s a scoundrel hiding out from the Empire doesn’t mean it can’t be true. Maybe that’s why he’s hiding out. The Jedi Order would identify force users as children, then train them at the Jedi temple. Han might be attempting to just keep a low profile so the new regime, the Empire, doesn’t look too closely at him. The truth is, there are a number of reasons that the idea of Han having access to the force isn’t just plain ridiculous.

The First Meeting

The moment that introduces us to Han Solo will live on in infamy. It’s the legendary, “Han shot first” scene. Our theory is that Han does, in fact, shoot first, but it’s not in cold blood. It’s in a moment of precognition. Han appears to have gunned down Greedo, but perhaps, from his own point of view, he’s just reacting to Greedo’s attack. This could even be the reason Han is such a renowned pilot. His epic Kessel Run time could simply be the product of his amazingly quick reaction time. A skill only made possible by his use of the force. This would be the same reaction time that allows a young Anakin Skywalker to be a podracer. Just like Anakin, Han is oblivious to why he can do these things. He just thinks he’s quick. Skill like that could even make one seem smug or cocky. Still, when he meets Luke and Ben in Tatooine, he feels compelled to give them aid. The same way that Luke could feel the presence of Darth Vader, Han’s feelings for others, like a lost Jedi and a farmboy, compel him to help.

On the Run

Han was hanging out on Tatooine because he was trying to make an arrangement about his debt with Jabba the Hutt. He’s been on the run from the bounty hunter Boba Fett. Fett is one of the most renowned trackers, yet Solo continues to elude him. The only way this seems possible is if Han has a preternatural instinct about these things. Just like Han has a reputation for being a kind of crappy smuggler, but never gets killed over the losses. He thinks he’s a silver tongued devil who can talk his way out of trouble, but the truth could be that he has a flair for the Jedi mind trick. In his efforts to stay clear of Fett, Han’s debt finally comes due in the cloud city of Bespin. The door to the dining hall opens to reveal that Boba Fett is in the employ of Darth Vader. Although Han’s reaction is quick enough to get a shot fired at Darth Vader, ultimately, the Empire prevails and Fett is able to deliver Solo to Jabba. In the end, Jabba doesn’t fall by the hand of Solo, but rather at Luke’s hand. If you believe that Han is force sensitive, then there is a bit of irony that after the ages spent chasing Han, who has the force, Jabba is felled by Luke, who has the force.

Kylo Ren Is Remarkably Powerful

This one is a little straightforward. After watching The Force Awakens, one idea in everyone’s minds was that Kylo Ren was way too strong. He was able to stop a laser bolt in mid air, then just walk around and monologue while he held it there. While some find it easy to explain this away with the Skywalker lineage, for others it’s just not enough. However, if Kylo’s mother and father have access to the force, then his abilities are a little more plausible. Once again, the idea of Han Solo being a force user isn’t so far fetched. And, let’s not forget that Kylo Ren strikes down Han Solo. The moment plays out as though Kylo is compelled to do it. What could make him feel like it had to happen? Suppose that Han is force sensitive and it then stands to reason that Kylo is making a preemptive strike against a potential rival that could stop his plans of returning the Sith to power.

All Alone

Most of the Jedi are shown to be solitary types of characters. Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi is off by himself on Tatooine. Yoda is all alone on Dagobah. Rey is alone on Jakku. At the end of The Force Awakens, it’s revealed that Luke has ostracized himself on some mountainy island. In many ways, Han falls right into this profile. He’s got friends, like Lando Calrissian or Maz Kanata, but never really sees them. Now, sure, there’s some debate to be made on behalf of Chewbacca. But, let’s be for real. Is Chewie much more than the equivalent of a really smart pet for Han? Chewbacca is loyal like a dog with a bone,  but I don’t really feel like he’s more than man’s best friend, or rather, Han’s best friend. Left to his own devices, Han Solo would be out gallivanting around by himself, looking out for number one. I mean, the word, “solo” is right there in his name!

Final Thoughts

I know all this is a bit chaotic at first. Just think about it some, though. I’m not saying Han is a secret Jedi, just a little force sensitive. Think of it like it’s so much that it has an impact on him, but so little that he doesn’t feel like he’s any different from anyone else. Hey, you never know. Maybe he did feel different. Perhaps he even went so far as to try it all out just to decide it wasn’t for him. Maybe it’s the voice of reason that says a hokey religion is nothing compared to a good blaster at your side. What’s your theory? Leave your take in the comments! Before you go, check out these affiliate links for some great Star Wars items from Amazon.


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