Owen & Beru Are Victims of Boba Fett

What Do You Know About the Fett?

Boba Fett. Just saying that name brings up a well of memories from my childhood about a bad ass character. The last time I watched the Star Wars movies, I ended up asking myself what made him so cool? Really, he just stalked around after Han Solo, finally caught him and got the bounty, and fell in a big hole in the desert. Not really a performance that deserves a legacy of fond memories. It’s not even a performance that says, “bounty hunter.”  Still, a legacy is exactly what remains.

The Victims

Who have we ever seen Boba Fett capture? Only Han Solo. In fact, it’s the Empire and Darth Vader that actually catch Han (by way of Lando Calrissian). Fett is just there at the edge of Vader’s table, picking up the scraps. But, what if I tried to tell you that we have seen the work of Fett before? That’s right. We’re finally getting to the title of this whole theory. Boba Fett killed Luke Skywalker’s family on Tatooine. We only see the charred remains of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. None the less, it’s a safe bet that it’s the handiwork of our favorite hunter in the dented helmet.

The Theory

In the course of the Star Wars saga, Luke’s journey really takes off when he leaves Tatooine. The main reason he leaves is because, once his family is killed, he has nothing keeping him there. As the viewer, all we really see of them is their charred remains outside the family home. The story continues in a way that suggests it’s the work of the Empire. Our theory is that it’s the work of Boba Fett. Stay with me, now. Luke is on Tatooine. Jabba the Hutt is on Tatooine, also. Jabba is after Han Solo so he hires Boba Fett to track him down. During his time there, Fett gets word that the Empire is looking for a coupe of droids. Never one to turn down a payday, Fett uses his skills as a bounty hunter to locate said droids. His pursuit leads him to the moisture farm that Luke calls home. There are no droids, but there is a lovely young couple inside. Since the droids are with Luke, it’s a fair bet that Owen and Beru were less than helpful. Unfortunately, Fett wasn’t about to leave them able to help any other bounty hunters that may come snooping around, hence, the charred bodies that Luke comes home to. This has to be the work of Boba Fett. The Empire wouldn’t just kill a simple family out in the middle of nowhere. If anything, a couple of Stormtroopers would go and take them into custody and probably put one of those interrogation droids on them. Burning people to a cinder is a little out of bounds for them. They’re kind of like the cops of Tatooine. We see them walk a beat looking for missing droids. They stand on a corner looking for the droids and telling people to move along. Stormtroopers even have a nonlethal option in the form of a stun setting on their weapons. You know who doesn’t have a stun setting? Boba Fett. He’s a bounty hunter whose methods have been considered extreme by the standards of Darth Vader. Vader even felt compelled to admonish Fett with the words, “no disintegrations.” This is the caliber of individual that would use a flamethrower to torture information out of people. And, yes, Fett does come equipped with a flamethrower on his wrist.

Final Thoughts

That’s all I’ve got. I think it’s more than enough. Boba Fett still gets to live in infamy as an awesome piece of the Star Wars mythos. If we all go along with this theory, at least it’ll be for more than his one, and only, capture. As always, thank you for giving up a little bit of your day to come here. So, throw us a “like” and hit that “share” button, too. Did you enjoy this theory? Do you have a different one? Leave your take in the comments.

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